Saturday, February 2, 2013

Better Early Than Never, Right?

The worst weather forecaster in the USA has predicted an early spring. (it's Groundhog Day, folks.)

I, for one, do not understand WHY weather predictions from a rodent are important. Ok, they're not important, but sheesh, why the heck does this tradition persist?

Considering I want to be rid of the furry little varmints via some Looney Tunes-style ACME dynamite, I certainly don't take heed to what he "predicts."
Those root-eating, lawn-destroying, ankle-rolling critters make my life miserable. Oh-the ankle rolling? Yeah. Well, when they dig their lovely tunnels through your freshly mulched flower beds, and you step on one of those tunnels, the earth gives way and if you're me, that means you roll your ankle. Not very gracefully. 

So, anyway, how did I celebrate Phil's prediction of an early Spring? By getting in the mood. 


I strolled through Pinterest for some garden inspiration and found a few things:

Source: via Dorothy on Pinterest

Source: via Dorothy on Pinterest

Bring on Spring!!!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)