Sunday, January 13, 2013

Stuff My Dog Eats.

It was unseasonably warm here, reaching 60 degrees yesterday. Crazy for January in Hockeytown! But a perfect day to send Brendan outside to clean up Newton's, ah, piles. You know what I'm talking about--the stuff dogs leave behind.

*I must warn you that I'm truly going to talk about dog piles and what we find in them*

Brendan spent the better part of an hour cleaning up piles and we learned a couple of  things about Newton.

1. He hasn't managed to designate one spot to leave his piles.

2. He has managed to eat things that he shouldn't have, which leaves evidence behind in his piles.

I really wanted to call this post "Sh*t My Dog Eats," but since I've made a point of not using foul language on the blog, I nixed it. If you know me personally, you know I can drop a curse word like nobody's business, but I wanted more for my blog. Anyway, while  "Sh*t My Dog Eats" won't be appearing as a title for a blog entry, I will keep a tab on the side bar for Stuff My Dog Eats.

Because everybody does want to know what my dog eats. Right?

In this entry, we feature a few colorful items:


Yep. He ate a red crayon, a blue crayon, and a green crayon. Newton seems to prefer primary colors but that green one must've just lept into his mouth. It would appear that crayons make it safely through a dog's digestive tract, ending up in piles in the same bits and chunks that they went into his mouth.

A lime green sticky hand toy. What is a sticky hand toy? It's one of the silly party favor-type toys that parents feel obligated to put in party favor bags. It stretches and sticks to stuff, which evidently is fun to play with if you're 4. This item, thankfully, went through whole. It really could've caused a lot of problems, but as Brendan pointed out, it's made of lots of nasty petro-chemicals, so it probably just slid on through the dog.

Ugh. I'm really glad that's all we found. We will be more careful with crayons as they seem to be some sort of Newfoundland Dog treat.


  1. So funny, Dorothy! We have a black lab, who somehow has always known what is his to chew and what isn't. He doesn't touch our stuff. But he can destroy one of those "indestructible" heavy rubber toys in a flash. And, yes, the result is colorful. I can truly picture Newton's "gifts."

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