Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Birthday!

My oldest and youngest share a February birthday, which is nice because it means ONE PARTY for 2 kids. It's a drag for Brett, who is still young enough to whine about the fact that his brothers have birthdays right after Christmas and he has to wait "soooo long" for his. Whatevs.

Brett's birthday is in May. Like that's a long time away or something.

Anyway, we are now the parents of a 15 year old and a 5 year old. Come May, they will be 15, 10, and 5 which is awesome for me because I like numbers that are divisible by 5. I'm just strange that way.

Here's Bryce:

Brendan (that's pretty much a smile when you're 15)

 Here's some pre-blowing out candle silliness:

Here they are blowing out their candles: 

Happy birthday, boys!!!

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