Saturday, November 19, 2011

Garlic. Finally!

Sooooo, as usual, I'm late planting garlic. Last year I was so late I didn't even plant ANY! I have 8 or 9 reasons WHY I'm late planting garlic this year, but the main one is because I never.ordered.cloves. Yep. I never ordered any garlic and as I didn't grow garlic this year, I had zero to plant. Phooey. So I rectified that by doing what you're not supposed to do and I planted grocery store garlic. I don't know if it's GMO or if it's organic (yeah, it's probably not). I'm not fussy enough to care. The good news is that because I waited so long to grow it, I had garlic sprouting in the pantry. WHOO HOO!!!

I used only the largest cloves that had sprouted. 42 of them. Go ahead-ask why we had so much garlic? It was on sale, of course! Bryce has recently been diagnosed with a garlic allergy, so that's the other reason. I've not been cooking with it as much because I haven't quite figured out how to make many of our dishes with and without garlic AND not have be become some sort of short-order cook. blech.

Anywhoo, my garden helper and I set out to the veggie bed behind the pool, where the garlic can grow undisturbed. I dumped some of my large planters from the deck into the bed and turned the soil. I then used the end of my trowel to make holes for Bryce to plant the cloves. I later went back and made sure they were all turned the proper direction. 3 year old boys don't care too much if the garlic is pointy-side up, it seems.

The garlic bed, before working fresh soil into it and pulling out all the sticks that a certain garden "helper" threw in there!

My helper, Bryce, planting garlic. I sent him off to play before I dug into those holes and turned the cloves the proper way. 

I hope that by the time this garlic ripens, I will have a better handle on how to cook our food so it's garlic free for Bryce. Because 42 bulbs of garlic is a LOT!

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