Sunday, November 20, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update November 20

My mini-harvest today was a handful of broccoli to have with dinner, and some very tiny carrots that my garden helper, Bryce,  HAD to pick. He's been bugging me to pick them for a few weeks.  2 oz of carrots--we each got to eat one tiny carrot (the biggest one was the size of my ring finger) and I cleaned the tops & threw them into a big ol' stockpot of bone broth. Not bad for planting them back in mid-September.
Don't be hatin' my HUGE carrot harvest. I mean, seriously---two whole OUNCES!!!

And lookee here---4 ounces of broccoli.

As of today, November 20, 2011, I have harvested 229 pounds 12 ounces of produce from my suburban garden. I'm inching my way to 230!  =)

Linked to Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. The temptation of carrots almost big enough for harvest can really be too much. A few baby carrots satisfies the urge and whets the appetite for more to come. :D

  2. Exactly!!! When you're 3 and you *KNOW* there are carrots growing under ground, all you want to do is pick 'em!! I may have created a monster, however. He wants to "peek" at them now. :)

  3. Way to go! I'm sure you'll get to that 230lbs before the end of the year. :)


  4. You are right not bad size carrots for not planting until September. Some of mine were only that size when I dug them in October and they were planted in June.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)