Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update November 16

"Harvest" is really too strong a word for the little bit of produce I'll pulled lately. We've had several hard freezes and even some big, wet flakes one day last week, so I know winter is just around the corner.

Last week I pulled some onions for cooking and a cauliflower mini-head. I use the term "head" loosely because it was the size of a lime. Phooey. I just didn't get big heads of cauliflower this year. Oh well.

I pulled the remaining green onions today--2 and a half pounds worth! I also pulled the two parsley plants. The green onions were really floppy in their beds; I think the cold nights were getting to them. The parsley, well, I know the parsley won't survive much longer and decided to yank it all out. 

The parsley landed in a huge stockpot of bone broth I have going. 3 ounces worth of parsley! Not too shabby considering the caterpillars were the main consumers of parsley this year. I will miss having fresh parsley this winter and I'm regretting not drying some. 

As of today, Wednesday November 16, I have harvested 229 pounds of produce. I have broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and carrots still growing so I may squeak another 5 pounds out of the garden before true winter sets in.

Linked to: Daphne's Dandelions


  1. my herbs were amazing this year and i am still kicking myself that i didn't dry any of it. aaaarrrggg!

  2. Your late harvest looks better than my entire harvest this year. lol!!! Looks yummy!


  3. Hi Dorothy-glad you stopped by my blog. I'm always glad to "meet" others from Michigan.

    Go take those parsley plants you dug up and throw them in a container!! I have mine in the kitchen(and also chives and mint) for the winter to use in soups. Another good thing to do with parsley is to freeze it on cookie sheets and put the frozen stalks in a ziploc in the freezer--you can just pull out sprigs as you need them!
    Looking forward to your garden next spring (and catching up with your previous posts!!)


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