Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cub Scout Cake Bake

Our Cub Scout Pack has just 2 fundraisers each year-popcorn and a Cake Bake Auction. Everyone is likely familiar with Scout Popcorn-you see Scouts hawking it in front of grocery stores every Fall. Girl Scouts sell cookies, Cub Scouts sell popcorn.  The Cake Bake is something that a lot of Packs do and I think our Pack does extremely well, so I thought I'd share some of the highlights of our Cake Bake.

Look at the fine work of our Scouts!
The Scouts bake the cake at home with a parent and they can choose any theme they like. A lot of Scouts add items to the cake's theme to make it go for a higher price at auction. Lego sets, model rockets, iTunes gift cards, and small toys are part of the loot.

 Take a peek at the work done by the talented Scouts & their families:

Cub Rank cake  plus cooking gear for camping.

Angry Birds cake plus Angry Birds toys and notebooks-this sold for $50.

Plants vs Zombies

iPod cake with iTunes gift cards!

Brett's Angry Bird cake--this bad boy is 6 layers of chocolate cake, homemade buttercream with homemade marshmallow fondant for the face. It sold for $50, I believe
A periodic table cake made by one of Brett's friends. This one was very clever-it's a Costco cake that the boy decorated. The creator won his own cake back & was so happy!!!
Traditionally, the Cake Bake Auction has been a father/son event, but many families take on the project together just because of work schedules and such. Brett's Angry Bird cake was a family project as Brad & Brett baked the cakes (6 layers, did I mention that already?), then I made the buttercream and crumb-coated the cake, Brett carved the shaped and helped with the final coat of frosting, and then Brendan and I made the marshmallow fondant which all 3 of us put on the cake. Teamwork. Note the lack of Bryce's help. That's intentional!!

Here's another look at Brett's cake, in progress:

We gave each of the Scouts a paper plate which they wrote their name and their maximum bid, which is set by their parents. This made it easy for the auctioneer (a parent volunteer!) to know who bid PLUS meant that the kids don't go over their parent's pre-set limits.

another Costco cake, this one made into a fort!
cookie cakes are good options, too!
Here's Brett with the frosted brownie + Lego cake that he won:

And the best part of the evening? The Scouts with the highest bid amounts get to smash a whipped cream "pie" into the Cubmaster & Assistant Cubmaster's faces!  They're good sports about this:


  1. I am such a nerd- love the periodic table!!! when my brothers were in scouts they had to make the cakes with their dads so they did a farm cake, with plastic cows, a toy matchbox size tractor and manure spreader and chocolate sprinkles! lol! i think they had a toothpick fence, too. very fun! your son's cake looks good!!

  2. What a nice fund raiser. Have never heard of out scouts doing that here. They seem to do a lot of pancake breakfasts and spaghetti dinners however. Some great talent to some of those cakes. Liked your angry bird.

  3. Thanks, ladies! We're so fortunate that our Pack only needs the 2 fundraisers because I know so many other Packs struggle financially.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)