Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Rain Barrel Landscaping

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The landscaping around the rain barrels is really taking off. While I don't mind the look of the ginormous blue barrels, I think it would be nice if they were at least partially obscurred. My neighbor looks out her laundry room window and this is exactly her view--so for her, at least, they need to be gussied up a bit. The hollyhocks are getting tall and are blooming and the perennial sweet pea on the cyclone fencing is about 6' tall. That clump of grass in the middle will reach about 15' when in full bloom and while it doesn't block the view of the barrels for my neighbor, it is cool to see.

To see how we made these rain barrels for under $30/each, check out this post. It's super easy and I can't believe we waited until 2011 to harvest rain water! So far, we I've used about 400 gallons!!!

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