Monday, July 4, 2011

Quotable Kids.

Back story:  We lose power--a lot. It's terrible. It doesn't matter the weather-rain, sun, wind, no wind. Sometimes it's just for a few minutes, sometimes a few days. We're pretty used to having to reset our clocks at this point.

The kicker with all these power loses is that our neighbors across the street do not lose power when we do! So unfair! Last summer when the power was out for 3 days they had power the entire time. Christmas Day 2010 we lost power for 8 hours or so--they had power.

So this morning, our neighbor from across the street calls to ask if we heard that "Big Bang" earlier. We did and thought it was a July 4th M-80. It wasn't! It was the transformer blowing. Nice. So they have no power. We offered up our fridge & coffee maker for them.

Me: Brett, did you hear that they have no power across the street?
Brett: Yeah. Stinks to be them.
Me: It's usually us without power, this is a nice change.
Brett: The tables have turned!

ha!  I love that kid.

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