Saturday, July 2, 2011

Composting Works!

My lone composting bin has produced several 1-gallon pots' worth of compost in just FOUR, yes FOUR weeks time. AMAZING!!!  I really am kicking myself for not trying harder to compost over the last 14 years we've lived here. Shame on me!  I guess I was busy raising kids and teaching or something, ha ha.

I probably could've removed more but I only needed the few containers I pulled out, plus I figured that leaving the rest in there will help the "new" veggie scraps break down faster. I want to expand to 3 aluminum garbage cans so I'll hit up Freecycle and hopefully snag a couple more.

It's been really easy to compost so far. We eat so much fresh produce that I have a huge bowl to dump in the bin every day. I just turn it when I add in the fresh scraps and then wait. VOILA!

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