Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th Garden Update!

Lots of stuff going on in the garden right now. Please note that I've added a sidebar widget to track the rain water collected & used. So far, it's about 400 gallons!!! The barrels technically hold 55 gallons, and with the overflow valves it's more like 53 or so, but I rounded down to keep the math simple. I have had to use the hose to water everything once in May and now 3 times in July. BUT---I used to always use the hose, so we've significantly cut down our city water consumption.

Ok, on to the garden. First, here's the veggie garden in it's entirety:
It's really starting to take off! Pardon the weeds in the rows...I had intended to score some old carpeting and lay that down, but none has crossed my path as of yet. So I just leave the weeds. Whatev.

Look at this cute itty bitty watermelon!!!! I have found 5 of these little guys. Adorable!
Canteloupe. Lots of blooms, lots of growth, no melons--yet!!
Garlic chives & chives, with a little alyssum for color.

Here's some cherry tomatoes (heirloom) doin' their thing!

A nice looking jalepeno!
Brussel Sprouts--the 3 surving plants. I hear that brussel sprouts are pretty cool looking when they grow. Right now it just looks like a cabbage or broccoli or cauliflower. Huh.

My largest cabbage. It didn't get eaten by the rabbits and I believe that's because it has tomatoes on one side and a rosemary plant on the other side. I'm thinking rabbits don't like tomatoes.

Onions! I planted these last summer from seeds dried from last year's plants, overwintered them right in this bed and here they are in July. They have pretty much all bloomed and I'm just waiting to harvest!


  1. You are going to have a wonderful harvest!

  2. So jealous of your awesome garden!

  3. Thanks for linking up to Garden Tuesday! Love your garden, I am especially intrigued with the onions. Are they difficult to grow?

  4. Pam--Onions are very easy to grow and after seeing what YOU grow, you could easily add onions to your beds. I grew those from seeds from last year's onions in early Aug, then transplanted them to their "permanent" home last September, let them overwinter (we're zone 5b/6a) and then they pop back to life in spring & do their onion thing.

    You can also buy onion "sets" (Pinetree Garden Seeds carries those) and start those in Spring. Sets are easier and faster.

  5. hey i dont mind the weeds after all the bugs need something to chew on!
    your garden looks good!

  6. Thanks very much, Debbie!!! I'll leave the weeds to feed the bugs =)

  7. Have you used carpet in garden paths before? When we tried it, the weeds just grew INTO the carpet (especially the edges), making them impossible to remove! Maybe it's because our climate is so wet, but we ended up going with black plastic and gravel or straw- much better for us!

    Thanks for sharing-
    Jami @ An Oregon Cottage

  8. Hi Jami--I have successfully used carpet before. I have a 20' long run of carpet 4'wide along the cyclone fenceline where our dog used to run up & down with the neighbor's dog. It's been there 10+ years and we've not had the problem you're describing. But--I do have heavy mulch over top of it, maybe that's why.
    I'm gravel-free b/c my 3 year old would deposit it all over the yard! lol.
    Thanks for stopping by!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)