Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away. Seriously!

Three inches of rain fell today, with more expected overnight and into the next couple of days. We've had flooding in the vegetable beds, along the downspouts, and in the streets. It's crazy!!!

Even crazier? Brad opened the pool last weekend. Seemed like a good idea at the time!  The thought was to open it up a little early so it'd be ready for the kids to swim in it over Memorial weekend.

Sooo, what happens when you open your pool, fill it and THEN you get 3 inches of rain?

First--don winter waterproof boots and your raingear. Try to not splish and splash on the grass; it was mowed 4 days ago! (can you see the sloppy, muddy vegetable beds in the background? They've NEVER flooded in the 14 years we've lived here!)

Then, you splash and splash back to the pool, put the pump in and rig up a sprinkler to the drain hose. A sprinkler? Yep. A sprinkler. We normally drain the pool just in the back behind the pool, but that's mucky and wet. Brad figured it would be better to spread the water around a little.

And there it is. Necessity is the mother of invention! Maybe we'll drain the pool this way every time.

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