Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mid-May Garden Update.

Well, May in Michigan is once again a gamble. We've had rainy day after rainy day and while that's great for the garden itself, it's not so great for getting garden chores completed. You have to dodge the thunderstorms and wait for everything to dry out only to find out it's going to rain AGAIN!  blargh.

Is is nice to know that some things in the garden just truck along with little intervention from me. Take my strawberries, for example. We moved them and thinned them out and they are just toolin' along, happy with the rain and cool-ish temps:

We went a little insane with the broccoli planting. I put in 15 broccoli plants. Yep. FIFTEEN. That's a LOT of broccoli. The plan is to blanche and freeze the broccoli. We've never had more than 3 broccoli plants growing in a season, so it'll be interesting to see how much broccoli 15 plants produce. And yes, I'm aware that those 15 plants look like they're on death's door, but they're just unhappy from being transplanted.

Here's the onion bed. They were started from seeds from last year's onions in the garden, transplanted to this bed last November, and continue to just grow and grow. This is about 50 onions or so, and last year the 50 I grew were barely enough to get us into September. I'm planning on growing another 50 in the next few weeks. Onions require full sun; this bed receives full sun from mid-morning until after dinner. Our neighbor's apple tree shades it a bit.


  1. so jealous! my seeds are still sleeping in their bags. :blush: gotta love this michigan rain.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)