Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Weekend = Work Weekend.

Rain. We've recieved more than DOUBLE the usual rainfall for April/May here in Hockeytown. Great for plants already in the ground--not so great for the many flooded basements and streets. Also not so great for garden chores.

*sigh*  I'm so behind! I'll blame it on the rain, okay?

Some of the chores for this weekend include lots of vegetable garden work. Here's my list for the veggie garden (finished items are crossed off!):
  1. Buy seeds (cukes, green beans, peas, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, potato, onions). Ok, potato/onion will be sets, not seeds.
  2. Buy tomato and pepper plants.
  3. Decided whether to grow parsley, cilantro, dill and basil from seed or plants...
  4. Plant all this stuff! (either direct sow or under lights in the basement)
  5. Weed veggie garden.
  6. Have Brad build new veggie beds from old wood.
  7. Remove chicken wire; fashion into composting "tubes." (change of plan--remove chicken wire, use old metal trash can for composting)
  8. Hang plastic mesh on privacy fence for climibing veggies.
The rest of the yard:
  1. Trim shrubs by deck.
  2. Plant annuals in pots for deck.
  3. Edge/weed beds around deck.
  4. Dig out iris & barberry by pool.
  5. Dig & divide & replant giant ornamental grass by pool.
  6. Prune lilacs.
  7. Weed behind pool/shed.
  8. Edge front perennial beds.
  9. Dig out stump & remove shrub out front.
  10. Edge beds out front.
Whew! I think that's it. I'm sure there's more-and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to finish all of this, even with the help of my minions children. I'm sure we'll make time for playing and for grilling out, too.

Have a great weekend!

May 31 update: ok, so I didn't get ALL the things done from my list---but we got SO MUCH work done around here! Several items didn't even make my list that we did complete: finish installation of new garden beds, prune neighbor's apple tree, weed behind the shed, weed/edge by front fence, weed/edge by side of house, build/install rain barrels, plant sunflower garden...and so much more!

Sept 14 update: I finally got it ALL finished. Seems my list was a bit aggressive! It took all summer, but I got it all done, and then some!

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