Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quotable Kids.

Scene:  Chatting at the dinner table.

Brett: Maybe I will get married when I'm older. (neither Brett nor Brendan wants to get married)
Me:  Oh really? Why'd you change your mind?
Brett: You get to boss your kids around, so if I get married I can have some kids and boss them around.
Me: (horrified that maybe I boss him around too much) That's not why you have kids, Brett. We do more than boss you around, we do fun stuff, too.
Brett: Yeah, like make popcorn and play in the pool and watch Wipeout.
Me: (relieved he finds those simple things FUN!) How much do you think I boss you around?
Brett: You boss me around .5
Me: .5? Out of what, 10?
Brett: No, 5.

Whew!  Relieved that I'm 4.5/5 FUN and only .5 bossy.

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