Friday, November 2, 2012

Real Mess.

From the files of "keeping it real," I present to you The After-School Explosion, as created by my 3 boys.

So, here's the deal. The kids come home and pretty much drop their stuff wherever it may land. They do this quickly, such that they may then head to the kitchen to consume anything in sight. After some nagging reminding, they joyfully gleefully begrudgingly (I'm keeping it real, after all) empty their lunchboxes which typically does not include actually putting the lunchbox away.

I think what they do next is some sort of spin move, whereupon they chuck their stuff to and fro, hoping it hits the closet. When it doesn't hit the closest, they leave it in place, hoping it will levitate itself into the closet.

Next, my oldest grabs his computer and disappears up to his room to do homework chat on google+, my middle boy & youngest boy grab coats and run outside to play with the neighbors. The wake of debris that remains will stay just like in the photo for days. DAYS. Seriously. Unless I pitch a fit and use some sort of guilt trip on them, the after school explosion will still look like this in the morning.

Sigh. Life With Boys.

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