Thursday, November 1, 2012

31 Days to a Minimalist Lifestyle Day 31

I am writing every day in October--taking on the challenge set forth by The Nester for bloggers to write a "31 Days to..." blog series. I'm tackling Minimalist Living and you can click here to read Day 30's post

I'm so glad I decided to do a 31 day challenge. It's been GREAT to clean things out around here!

Things that I have learned:

1. I don't need so much stuff.

2. Less stuff makes me less stressed.

3. I am not my stuff.

It sounds simple, but it's all truth. I don't need so much stuff. Is it nice to have stuff? Sure. It's nice to have stuff. But then you have to deal with the stuff. Find a place to store the stuff. Clean the stuff. Put the stuff back. Holler at the kids for touching the stuff. You get the idea.

I don't need so much stuff!

Getting rid of stuff makes me less stressed. Why? Well-less stuff means less stuff to deal with. Less stuff to store. Less stuff to clean. Less stuff to put away. Less stuff for the kids to destroy.

Less stuff makes me less stressed!!

*I* am not my stuff. I am not the things that I've been saving in the basement. I am not the trinkets that I've saved from my kids' babyhood. If my kids were to go through my stuff, would they see "me?"  OR--would they see a bunch of stuff that has no meaning to them?

I am not my stuff.

I am me.

I have so much more to do to achieve a more minimalist lifestyle that I've decided to make it a regular feature here on the blog.

Day 1 email

Day 2 magazines

Day 3 kitchen tools 

Day 4 junk drawer

Day 5 bathroom counter

Day 6 first aid & medicines

Day 7 kitchen sink

Day 8 plastic containers

Day 10 spices

Day 11 mail

Day 12 linen closet part 1

Day 13 linen closet part 2

Day 14 donate!!!

Day 29 drinkware

Day 30 dining room


  1. Love this series! I've recommended it to lots of friends and we've all been motivated by your manageable tasks/ such a great feeling to clear the clutter one space at a time. Not overwhelming!

    1. Thank you very much! I loved working on this series and doing things in VERY small steps--much more manageable that way.

    2. I loved it to! I had a week and a half off work and did lots of minimizing! It felt great!

  2. Thank you got your posts! I have enjoyed reading them. They have challenged me to look at my "stuff". I am on my way to being less of a stuff manager. I have purged my clothing and my son's. And we will be going room by room so that our stuff doesn't own or control us. :)

    1. Thank you for reading! Congrats on working towards being less of a stuff manager. It's really quite freeing to be rid of excess. Best wishes to you!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)