Friday, November 9, 2012

Creating A Minimalist Lifestyle Toys Part 2

I took a drastic step today and packed up the kids' toys today. See that photo below?

That's the kids' toys. Plus some empty storage pieces which you can't really see (there's an empty bookcase, an empty Trofast frame, an empty Lego table and an empty workbench in there.

Now, before you get all judgemental at me for "having so many toys" blah blah blah, let me remind you that I have 3 children who are each 5 years apart. They are 14, 9, and 4. That means we have big trucks for my 4 year old, legos for my 9 year old and Nerf guns for my teenager. My children have grandparents who like to buy them nice things and I have a talent for finding things for free or cheap.

Some items are enjoyed by all 3 of my kids. They will all play with the 4 year old's Duplo Legos, they will all 3 play with the regular Legos. The Thomas trains are still enjoyed by my 9 year old and 4 year old, and we have indoor riding toys that all three kids use.

We just have to eliminate a few categories of toys. Or narrow them down. Or get rid of them. Or something.

Anyway, I boxed everything up yesterday and when they came home from school, I expected some drama.

there was no drama. none. 

I thought that my 9 year old and 4 year old would cry or have a fit or something---but they didn't. Was I a bit disappointed? Maybe a little. I packed up the toys for it's sheer shock value AND so I could really clean in there. That they didn't react says that they probably knew something like this was coming.

So, after I showed Brett & Bryce the boxes, told them that EVERYTHING was in there (including the Wii), and told them that I haven't quite decided what the next step it, they went and read books in their room. Then they went outside and played with the neighbors.

They found something else to do! My friend C told me that it only proves they don't need so many things.

She's right.

I'll keep you posted as I figure out what to keep and what to eliminate.


  1. Wow! Good for you!! I wish I had the nerve to do that...we did recently weed out quite a bit, but I think that I am the one that can't get rid of things...way too sentiMENTAL! :) ~Kim

    1. I hear you on the sentiMENTAL thing!!! I struggle myself with how much to keep and how much to remove, but I'm hoping having everything packed up will make those decisions easier.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)