Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pinewood Derby Car!

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

I'm building my own Pinewood Derby car this year. I'm going with the classic wedge design--keepin' that weight at the back of the car.

Here's my rough cut car:

It needs a little tweaking, but that's the basic concept.

Oh-and for the decorating? Here's my inspiration:

Source: via Dorothy on Pinterest

Whatcha think? Hello Kitty at a Pinewood Derby race? Any of you ladies ever make a Pinewood car?


  1. OK Dorothy..I'm with you our cub scout pack has opened up a lipstick derby for the sisters and moms and any other girls/ladies who would like to have their own girlie race..not against the boys just run own our glam race for bragging rights! So I'm looking for girlie ideas for me and my 5 yr old and she loves Hello Kitty so I think I'm following your lead. If enough girls participate we may even have some girlie avon give aways for's work in progress. Hey enough girls and women are on hand to support our little and big men at the derby perhaps we'll start a trend! Thanks for the posting and idea for the girls. Donna

  2. OK Dorothy..I'm with you our cub scout pack has opened up a lipstick derby for the sisters and moms and any other girls/ladies who would like to have their own girlie race..not against the boys just run own our glam race for bragging rights! So I'm looking for girlie ideas for me and my 5 yr old and she loves Hello Kitty so I think I'm following your lead. If enough girls participate we may even have some girlie avon give aways for's work in progress. Hey enough girls and women are on hand to support our little and big men at the derby perhaps we'll start a trend! Thanks for the posting and idea for the girls. Donna


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)