Saturday, February 4, 2012


Did you know there is such thing as competitive math? Not just taking individual pencil & paper tests, but honest-to-goodness head-to-head math competitions? With real TEAMS of students? And even crazier---I *coach* a math team. Now, that's really funny if you know me from my K-12 days. Math and I were not friends. I didn't like math.I hated math. I lucked out in college and tested out of any math requirements. WHEW. So how'd I end up with a kid who's a math WHIZ? I'll just say that God has plans for this kid. But I digress. Because my son (actually, both of the older boys) love math and are pretty darn good at it, I've had to do some things that are pretty shocking.

Like coaching a math team. (oh, the horror!) Now--I say "coach" in lieu of "teach" because, honestly-there's very little I can teach them. I was approached by the REAL math coach (hi, DQ!) when Brendan was a 5th grader to have him shadow the 6th grade math team...and as they say, it's all down hill from there. I ended up coaching his 6th grade math team, which lead to coaching his 7th grade math team AND helping the 6th grade math team at the elementary school and now-coaching the 8th grade math team (well, really, it's 7th and 8th graders) and still helping a teeny bit with the elementary math team. I have other super parents that also help guide these kids. What do I do? Mostly I say things to the girls like, "don't let him beat you!" and "Put your hand up, you got that right!" I focus a lot on our girl team members (who just crack me up!) and helping the kids with pacing, properly reading the questions, testing strategies, team building things, and supplying them with lots of minty gum for the day of competition. Oh, and I take lots of embarrassing photos, too!

What's my point? My point is that when your kid is good at something, you figure out how to nurture that love. Even if it means doing something you're not hugely fond of  you hate. So, here's my favorite 8th math student, clutching his **FIRST PLACE** team trophy from today.

Our team of 4 (two 7th and two 8th graders) competed against 19 other schools. These are some of the BEST schools around-charter, private, and public.

Don't worry. If the schools ever come up with a competitive GARDENING team I'll be all over that action!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)