Monday, January 16, 2012

Quotable Kids.

Scene: breakfast time. I am thawing some (homemade) frozen pancakes for Brett. Brett is sitting at the counter, reading the bottle of syrup.

Brett: Mom, I don't get it. How come honey is always packaged in those bottles shaped like bears? Bears don't make honey, bees do. It doesn't make sense. The bottles should look like bees.

Me: Well, we like to think of bears as the hunters of honey, so maybe that's why?

Brett: Ok, so why do bottles of maple syrup have cabins on them? Cabins don't make syrup; maple trees make syrup.

Me: I don't know. Maybe because cabins in the woods make people think of syrup?

Brett: I just think it's false advertising. Bees make honey, trees make syrup. Simple as that.

I'm guessing Brett will not be working in an ad agency as an adult!!


  1. LOL-yup, not seeing a future in marketing, but perhaps as a consumer advocate?

  2. LOL! He can work for Truth in Advertising =)


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)