Saturday, January 7, 2012

2011 Garden Harvest Review

This was a great year for our garden. I say "our" because while I do the majority of the work, my hubs does much of the heavy labor, and my kids help with weeding, watering, chasing squirrels out, and harvesting. Who am I kidding? Mostly the kids play in the pool!

I set a goal to double this year's harvest over 2010's 68 pounds...and then I realized I needed to set my goal higher because I hit that doubled amount (136 pounds)  in August. I set a new goal of 200 pounds--and I blew that out of the water, too!  231 pounds were harvested! WOOT!  I had green onions almost all summer & into fall, I had parsley o'plenty for our ongoing butterfly hatchery, we had great success with cantaloupe and watermelon, and even tried a few new things.  One of the new things, brussel sprouts, taught me a few lessons. They need more space, they need to be topped off in August, and I need to water them more.

Here's what I harvested: (remember, I only have 320 square feet of raised beds)

231 lbs 10 oz
from Memorial Day to Dec 19

Goal for 2012 growing season: 350 pounds, use cold frame to plant cool season veggies earlier
Chives 2oz
Dill 7 oz
Parsley 1lb 6oz
Rosemary 5oz
Broccoli 15 oz
Cabbage 14lbs 10oz
Carrots 13 oz
Cauliflower 4 lb 11oz
Cherry Tomatoes 8lbs 14oz
Cucumbers (pickling) 4lbs 3oz
Cucumber (slicing) 8lbs 3oz
Lettuce 14.2oz
Onions 8 lbs 12 oz
Peppers (bell) 15lbs 2oz
Peppers (Anaheim) 4lbs 7oz
Peppers (Jalepeno) 1 lb 6oz
Peas 8 oz
Tomatoes 22lbs 4oz
Cantaloupe 43lbs 11oz
Strawberries .5oz FAIL (darn birds!)
Watermelon 86lbs 15 oz
Brussel Sprouts 5 oz


  1. wow, Dorothy. It sounds like you harvested a lot from a small space.

    Thanks for your comment regarding Pinterest. Maybe I just need to join and my problem will go away!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)