Thursday, December 8, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update December 8

Carrots in December!!! WOOT! 6 whole ounces of organic carrots. I count the tops in my weight because those will get tossed into a pot of bone broth later. We've had multiple hard freezes and several coverings of snow. An inch here, and inch there-that kind of thing. Maybe tomorrow I'll be brave and check on my broccoli and brussel sprouts...

My total for 2011 is 230 pounds 14 ounces as of today. YAY!

This post linked to Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Nice carrots. Mine still would be fine had I left them in but who knew. Which now I hadn't have pulled my broccoli when I did. I could have gotten a lot more shoots of it but then it would have been rather uncomfortable out there cleaning up the garden now.

  2. Your carrots look great. I haven't tried the tops in anything; usually I feed them to the rabbits. Are you participating in Harvest Monday? sponsored by It's a fun blog hop with folks all over the world sharing their weeks harvests. Really fun!

  3. Mary, I usually do link up over at Daphne's Dandelions...but I just didn't this week for some reason. Going to see if her linky is still open =) Thanks!!

    As we have no rabbits, the tops this year have either fed our ongoing project of black swallowtail caterpillars OR they were tossed into a batch of bone broth =)

  4. The weather has been so crazy this year----had I only known, I would have kept things going a bit longer. Do you know on Dec 15, I actually had a WORM on my doorstoop. Way up here! Nuts.
    The carrots look delicious. Next year, I shall not pull anything until we get FEET of snow!
    Happy New Year!


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