Saturday, December 31, 2011

Best of 2011

It's the last day of 2011 and I'd be remiss if I didn't post a "best of" Life With Boys. There was lots of action on the blog this year and I feel like I'm really finding my groove in blogland. I started this blog merely as a way for family & friends to keep up with the kids and it has morphed into so much more-a garden blog, a kid blog, a craft blog, a cleaning blog, a daily life blog.

Here's some of the most trafficked posts, as determined by Google Analytics:

I stumbled across a blog and started organizing our closets, drawers and life. Yes, I have Longaberger baskets in my cupboards, don't judge. Oh and yeah...ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY ONE people read this. Dang. I don't even know that many people, so I know it's not my friends looking at it (and if you are my friend in real life and you clicked on that page 1,000 times---don't tell me!) I hope your cupboards weren't as embarrassing as mine were!

My husband and I made DIY rain barrels. Super easy, super practical and something that anyone with a garden and a gutter can do for themselves!

I spray painted our nasty old outdoor fixtures and now I hate them a little bit less. 

Decrapified Decor (aka-I discovered spray paint!)
Here it is. The very first thing I spray painted. Well, I think I spray painted one of the kids Pinewood Derby cars a few years ago, so this was the first thing I spray painted FOR ME. I love spray paint. Holla if you do, too!

My youngest garden helper and I made seed tape. Thanks to Pinterest, this little gem of a post got quite a few hits. I had no idea what pinterest was at the time, so I had to check it out. Now I'm a Pinterest Fanatic!

It must be all the adorable itty bitty melon photos that drew your attention! This is one of my weekly garden entries-chock full of dying lawn and sad looking cruciferous veggies. But the tiny melons are sooo cute!

We joined the 21st century and got a flat screen TV. Bryce thought it was for the funniest thing said in 2011 (according to Google!)
Our Pack's yearly Cake Bake Auction was a hit this year--both for the Pack and for my blog. maybe it's the ginormous Angry Birds cake that the whole family helped Brett make, or maybe it's because I finally figured out to title my posts as though someone were searching for it--but this post garnered 143 hits.  (*jumping up and down "people like me!!!!")
YBTC was Brendan's 3rd consecutive trip to the Michigan Finals of this chemistry contest. He ended up placing 6th IN THE STATE out of thousands of middle schoolers. 

What's on tap for 2012? I have set some blogging, gardening, family, and organizing goals for myself. I'll fill you in on those in the coming weeks! Happy 2012, everyone!

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