Sunday, November 6, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update November 6

I can't believe I'm still harvesting anything at all--it is November and I have no season-extending row covers or greenhouses or anything. Not much to report--harvested about 3 pounds of produce today for dinner. My overall total harvest just keeps climbing. As of today, I'm at 226 pounds of produce. Amazing!

Here's today's pickin's:

More green onion, a piddly amount of broccoli (I am NOT growing the variety "Calabrese" next year), a bit of cauliflower and some cabbages. This is the first red cabbage I've cut--and it's teeny tiny, only about 5 ounces. I wanted it for the color and made a nice slaw to go with dinner.

Lined up to Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. What a blessing to still be able to get a harvest. We had a frost and that pretty much took care of the rest of the garden for this year.

  2. your garden blows my mind dort! i wish we lived next door so your green thumb could rub off on me!

  3. Thanks, girls. Nicke-I'd sure love for you and your sweet family to be our neighbors! I'd share, I promise!! Alicia-I'm lucky that I planted so many brassicas, they will produce into December with no protection. Perfect for a lazy gardener like myself!!!

  4. Nice to have fresh vegetables still. This is the latest I have ever had things or up until this week still growing.

  5. I think that the early and late harvests are the best! I think we appreciate them a bit more. You have had a good gardening year!

  6. Sometimes we pick for color rather than productivity. I bet your slaw was beautiful! I <3 purple veggies, too!

  7. Such a bonus when the garden keeps giving it up - even without the extra effort of season extension! The cabbage looks good. :D

  8. Lovely cabbages. 226 pounds of produce and the season is not over, impressive. I must do better with weighing harvest next year.

  9. AHHHHH! I can't take this any more. Will you turn into my personal teacher? I want to learn! I want to plant! I want to can! I need your help!

  10. Thanks, Norma. Once you get into the habit of weighing the harvests, it's really easy. Bethany--I will definitely teach you whatever you'd like to learn!! :)


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)