Sunday, October 2, 2011

Organizing Attempt.

I've been trying to tackle some smaller, overdue projects around the house-starting with purging from the kitchen. We've lived in this house for 14 years and in the remodeled/expanded version for 10 years and boy, we have NOT been good at getting rid of stuff!

I have been reading a lot of organizing & cleaning books from the library and have realized that

  1. We have too much stuff.
  2. We have too much stuff that we don't use.
  3. We have too much stuff that we don't use and don't need.
This is probably true for everyone else, too. Right? It's not just me? 

I have started making detailed lists of daily cleaning, so instead of writing down "clean kitchen" it says "scrub stove and empty fridge" or something like that. I've been adding short purging chores, too, like "empty, purge, and straighten corner cabinet." instead of writing "empty, purge and straighten all 40 bazillion cupboards in the kitchen". Because we all know THAT won't get done.

I neglected taking a "before" photo. It's too depressing. Suffice it to say that in this corner cupboard I found computer parts (what?), legos (no shock there, I have 3 boys), a lid to a container I donated last summer (I KNEW I'd find it!), and the missing 1/4 measuring cup. Whew! I wound up with a grocery bag to either donate or Freecycle and a nicely straightened up cupboard. 

I had THREE, yes 3, stainless steel colanders. Really? Why 3? I have no idea. I only use 1, so the other 2 were purged. 

Ok, I guess it's not very impressive-but there's a place for everything and everything is in it's place. I pulled out our griddle, which we only use about 1x/month, and put it in the hall closet. I also wiped out the cupboard and regretted, once again, that this corner cupboard does NOT have a lazy susan. 

What are you organizing?


  1. I need to make specific goals like you. When you ask what I'm organizing, I would say "the whole house". No wonder I can't get anything done.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Gina-I'm glad this encourages you!! Best wishes to you organizing ONE KITCHEN CABINET before moving on to ANOTHER kitchen cabinet =) dorothy


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)