Monday, October 3, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update October 3

The Fall garden is so lovely for so many reasons. My favorite reason is that it doesn't require so much care from me, at least this Fall. We've had a very rainy September, ranking #6 in all-time rainfall for Hockeytown. This means that I haven't really had to water! Or weed!

Harvesting is limited to onions, peas, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, parsley, rosemary, and dill. Here's a few random shots of veggies that I've picked. Because I'm only harvesting here and there, I haven't been very good about taking photos.

Peas...the peas are doing great! I regret not planting more. I'm only harvesting a few ounces at a time which is just enough for a snack for one person. The onions I pull as needed for cooking. 

Cauliflower! Each of these heads is about 5 ounces. 

4 of our 6 latest Black Swallowtail Caterpillars. They are so lucky-eating organic dill & parsley!!! We really enjoy watching the eat and wiggle around. Thanks to Freecycle, they have a nice plastic aquarium to call home. 

Our other 2 caterpillars. The large one is about 2" long; he'll be turning into a chrysalis in the next several days.

This post linked to: Daphne's Dandelions
                             An Oregon Cottage 


  1. How fun that you are doing the butterfly watch. Used to do that when we were kids and it was always thrilling to see the transformation.

  2. I just found a caterpillar on my parsley yesterday. Unfortunately, none of my kids were around to share the moment.

    Your harvest looks beautiful. I didn't grow cauliflower this year, though I love eating it.

  3. I found a caterpillar in my parsnips and kept it in the kids bug house for them but it died. My husband thinks it drowned cause we had some pretty bad storms and it was outside. :(


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