Thursday, October 27, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update October 28

I'm a little behind in updating my harvest tallies, mostly because I've not been taking photos of the things I've harvested. I've been picking random green onions, peas, lettuce, broccoli, etc but it hasn't really been photo-worthy. 

As of today, October 28, I'm up to 223 pounds 2 ounces of food harvested. Not too shabby! Here's some lettuce & peas I picked today:

And yet ANOTHER butterfly that emerged 2 days ago:

I also set up a new 4' x 4' bed in the FRONT YARD, courtesy of my neighbor:
More details on this in Building a Raised Bed Garden!

And I completely relandscaped the bed on the south side of the house. Click here to sorta see what it looked like before I ripped it out.
This is the "during" photo-after I'd ripped out all the plants, ripped out the brick edging and before I added the new topsoil. 

Here's the "after" photo: all heat loving/tolerant plants like grasses, iris, flax, candytuft, lavender, etc. I'd really like to rip out ALL of the grass in this area, put in a better stepping stone type pathway and add gravel and xeriscape, but I'm pretty certain my 3 year old would have the gravel EVERYWHERE and the kids would trample the plants as this is the pathway to the backyard. 

That sums up the past 10 days or so of garden efforts. I've got a list a mile long of projects to complete before the weather REALLY turns cold, but lists are more like lofty expectations for me. I'll be happy to get half of it done. 


  1. love your new box. Had hoped to get a couple about that size built from so old short 2x6's that are laying around here to plant my potatoes in next year but as usual have planned to do more than one person can handle. Now that it snowed yesterday and I still don't have stuff put away in the yard yet guess the boxes will have to wait until spring. Could build them in the shop this winter but would never be able to lift them to get them in place come spring.

  2. Don't ya hate when you plan so much more than you can actually do in a season? I do that all.the.time!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)