Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We had one of our 6 remaining chrysalis (chrysalis's? Chrysalii? whatev.) open up today! Luckily, 3 of the neighbor kids were over so all SIX kids got to see a freshly emerged butterfly. The kids were all very excited about it (yes, even my 13 year old) and it was so sweet to see all of them laying on their bellies trying to get a close up view of this butterfly. I have to say how impressed I was that the kids just wanted to look at it, study it, watch it.

It left it's chrysalis and fluttered down to a vent near the floor. I got a strong flower stem to get the butterfly out of the house without touching it. The nice thing was that most of the kids got to hold it before it flew away.
The kids gather around to see the brand new butterfly.

Can you see it--in the middle of the vent?

Brendan coaxing the the butterfly onto a stick while the kids intently watch.

Brendan holding the butterfly. Sooo amazing!

We took it outside and I let each of the younger kids have a chance to hold it.

After his two friends, 3 & 5, had turns holding it, Bryce took it back. It had rested long enough and  it took off moments after I took this photo. 

Brett & his friend, 8, came running out just after the butterfly flew away. They were a little bummed that they didn't get to hold it, but Brett pointed out the fact that we have 5 more chrysalis (I really need to learn how to make that plural!) in the house. This butterfly experience has been very interesting for all of us-Brad and myself included. I, however, am glad that I don't have to cut dill & parsley 3 times a day for very hungry caterpillars!

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