Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I harvested some parsley this morning to put into a new batch of bone broth. I hadn't clipped any in a while, so it needed a good haircut. I was surprised to find these guys on each plant:

After some googling, we're pretty sure that these are Black Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars. I guess I'll leave them on the plants and we'll eat less parsley!!!

photo credit: Brendan. "It was easy to photograph them, they don't move!"

+++Per a suggestion from a friend on Facebook, I think we'll move these guys indoors to give them a fighting chance at survival (ie--keep 'em away from the birds!) and watch them make their transformation. More on this little project as it progresses.


  1. Very Cool. I have heard that you should plant both parsley and Fennel just to attract and give food & shelter to those caterpillars. Its working at your house!

  2. We've had so much fun watching the caterpillars "do their thing" that I think I'll plant MORE parsley next year and maybe some fennel, too! I don't like fennel, but I'm all for attracting butterflies to the yard =)


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)