Sunday, August 7, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update Aug 7

We took an extended weekend vacation to my Dad's condo up north last week (fun on Lake Huron!)

My view last week: the kids enjoying the fairly "warm" waters of Lake Huron.

We got to come home from a fun short trip to see the JUNGLE of a garden. Leaving the garden to fend for itself is hard for me to do as I tend to putter in the garden multiple times per day.   Will it rain? Will it be scorching? Will a herd of viscious rabbits attack it? 

No worries. The garden is fine. Check it out in all it's jungle-ness:
Serious jungle action here. What the HECK are those fungi? We were only gone 4 days....these grew in just FOUR  days. Dang. Those are Brad's size 12's you see in the photo for reference. Yikes. He pulled them out and tossed them in the yard waste bag---no way am I composting those things!

Ok, here's the garden/jungle:

Here's what I harvested Monday:


(it wasn't ripe yet...but I counted it in my weight totals b/c I GREW it!!!)



Not too shabby for a first "real" week. I gave the neighbor who took in our mail some tomatoes and a cuke. I  ate the rest of the 'maters myself. I'd share if anyone here liked them! We all enjoyed the cukes-homegrown just taste so much better!

The pickling cukes are FINALLY climbing up the privacy fence. They have set fruit as well. Won't be long now!

The cabbage continue to be the happiest of vegetables. I have 2 that are getting close to picking. I really want to ferment some cabbage into kraut so they may be harvested in the next few days.

This are the cantaloupe vines, climbing up and over the short "doorway" into the garden, and scrambling up the privacy fence. I had no idea they'd climb so readily!

And while not a veggie, here's my VERY impressive Cleome (spider flower). It's 4 feet tall.I found these 2 growing as volunteers in late May, dug them and potted them up for a few weeks, then transplanted them. They are absolutely HUGE!! I love these plants-they take the heat well and can self-seed if we get a long hard winter like last year.


  1. Your garden looks beautiful! And so healthy after a trip away! I dread leaving my garden too!

  2. Your garden looks great and that is a pretty nice harvest too! THat is so neat with the Canteloupe!

  3. Hi!
    Great harvest! Love the the Cleome, beautiful! Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  4. Great harvest! I love the Cleome! Jeasn

  5. Wow, those are some impressive mushrooms! The cleome are awesome - I wish some would volunteer in my yard! :)

  6. I always love to come home from a vacation and see how the garden has changed. It usually has grown so much.

  7. Wow - your veggie's are awesome! Very envious that you have such a beautiful bunch of goodies to bring in from your gardens! thanks so much for sharing at Cottage Flora Thursday's! oxox, tracie

  8. Thanks, Tracie =) I love picking fresh tomatoes for dinner...mmmmmmm


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)