Thursday, June 16, 2011

School's Out!

Whew!  School is finally out for the boys and everyone is glad for the break from the activities. Brendan had homework right up until the end of school and even has some homework now as his language arts teacher is publishing some of the kids' work into an anthology of sorts. I'm not exactly sure of the specifics on that, but it involves and $8 from me. I guess we'll find out when the book arrives in the mail.

It was a tough year for Brendan as he had to get used to homework! He infrequently had homework in elementary school and the gifted middle school program he's in really piles it on. He struggled a bit last Fall with balancing due dates but sorted it all out for himself and managed to stay on the Honor Roll all year and was given a Citizenship award, too. He audition for Jazz Band and made it! His band director sent home a packet of jazz music and an instructional jazz book to practice over the summer. He'll really be challenged with the jazz music & we've already discussed improvising and swinging. 8th grade will be a breeze for him I believe.

Brett is raring to go into 3rd grade. He had a great year with his class and friends. He was very proud of some of his huge projects, like a non-fiction book about the Wobbegong shark and a model of a medieval castle. He enjoys school but is really hapy to have summer vacation.

Obligatory end of year photos:

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