Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bryce's Scope, Take Two.

Step Two in Bryce's Eosinophilic Esophagitis journey: rescope (upper endoscopy) after 6-8 weeks on Prevacid.  Sometimes, eosinophils are caused by reflux, so to rule out reflux as a cause, they put the child on Prevacid for 6-8 weeks, then rescope them. If zero eos are present-voila! EE is caused by reflux & then controlled by Prevacid. If the eos are still there? Bummer deal-EE is triggered by diet.

He is also getting scoped (sigmoidoscopy) to determine what causes his chronic diahrrea. One thing that it may be is some sort of malabsorbtion issue. It could also be eosinophilic gastroenteritis. It might even be something else altogether. No matter what it is or isn't, we'd just like an answer so we can potty train this kid. His life would be soooo much better if he were diaper-free.I hope we get some answers for that problem-poor kid!

Bryce had his scope today, this time by the pedi GI specializing in EE. We managed to get an appointment scheduled while the kids were still in school, but did need my Dad to come over in the morning to get them up and on the bus. Brad and I had to pack Bryce up & be out the door at the unGodly hour of 6:00 AM. Yikes!

It went smoothly-just like last time. We still don't like having to do this to him. No parents of kids with any kind of chronic illness like having their kids get poked and prodded and put under anesthesia. It's a means to an end, hopefully. Having two scopes done in three months seems ridiculous to me-but it's what they have to do.

I only took two photos this time:
Cow received a hospital gown for this scope. Bryce chose it, but later decided that Cow didn't need a gown or a mask or a hat.

Here's Bryce after his Ver-sed was administered. Note that Brad is holding him up--it's a pretty powerful drug and that's to prevent him from falling over and getting hurt.

Bryce was quite cranky in recovery, but otherwise he was fine. We brought him home, Brad went to work, and Bryce ate and ate and ate!  Then he squeezed half a tube of toothpaste into the bathroom sink, so I knew he was back to his old self.

We'll have the biopsy results back in a few days or a week. What's next? The results of today's scope will dictate the next step.

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