Sunday, June 12, 2011

Putting Lipstick On A Pig.

I've loved this phrase for a while now and I've finally done a decorating project that is EXACTLY what this sentiment is talking about. Of course, peeps, I'm talking about spray painting something. The only good decorating I can muster around here is spray painting stuff. It's becoming my new "thing". Well, gardening is actually my main "thing", but spray paint as a decorating tool is my new love.

We have these exterior light fixtures that I've never really liked. They are builder-grade (that's a polite way of saying they are cheap) and they aren't something I would pick out today. But as I'm frugal cheap and would rather NOT purchase new exterior light fixtures, I thought my favorite new love would be just the trick.

Sooo, I put lipstick on a pig. Or spraypainted a builder-grade exterior light fixture. Whatev.

Here's the ugliness before (this is truly how they looked. BAD BAD BAD!):

Seiously, how NASTY are those?!!! They were brass colored originally-not actual brass-but brass-colored. There was virtually nothing left of the original finish. I cleaned them off (umm, do you see the "white stuff" on the one fixture?? That came from a fine feathered friend. That's all I'm sayin'.) and I didn't even bother to sand them because the surface was so pitted and rough I was afraid of sanding through them!

So, here they are in progress, in my "spray station". Yep. A piece of carboard in the grass is my "station".
They look better already!!!!

We cleaned the glass pieces, wiped down the shiny brass-colored relfector, and Brad put them back up. They look like a million bucks now!  Or as Brad said, "They look like brand new builder-grade fixtures.". Fine. But they look waaaay better than before!

Sorry it's off center. Didn't want to display our address. Oh-and a side note-don't hold spray paint cans upside down while spraying. It drips all over your fingers and they stay black for several days. Just sayin'.


  1. Looks great! I have been wanting to spray paint ours (spray paint is my new love in the world of arts, crafts, and decorating) and feel more confident about trying it now, thanks!

    I am starting to post about the projects around our house, so hopefully I will soon have my own newly spray painted fixtures to sport :)Hope you will pop over.


  2. Ooo, definitely spray your exterior fixtures! It made SUCH a huge difference in ours! And if you don't like it, you can always spray it again with a different color.

    Thanks for reading!!! I'll go check out your blog.

  3. I adore spray paint! We are such great friends! I think you did a wonderful job!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks, Dominique!!! I love peeps who spray paint! lol

  5. Love your project. You are going to be featured on ABFOL tomorrow! Way to go. :)


  6. Toni-many thanks for the kudos and the feature!!!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)