Sunday, June 12, 2011

Early June Garden Update.

Things are starting to shape up in our newly expanded garden. We had torrential rain, which was great for the rain barrels, blazing heat (which was good for NOTHING!), and horrible humidity which made me thankful for our awesome a/c. Things have settled down and the weather will be gorgeous for the next week or so.

Soooo, what's happening with the garden? Not a lot of action as it's only been planted for a few weeks but I know things will take off quickly.

Below is my 2'x2' planter. It sits in front of our shed (which we can't believe is still standing--it's in rough shape!) I've had a variety of things in it over the years, but decided to stick to my plan of "food only" in the back of the yard. So the large clump is garlic chives and the 2 smaller front clumps are "regular" chives. I did stick a few small volunteer alyssum plants in there to make it look pretty. Broke my own rule already!

This bed is broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. I grew the broccoli from seed and the cauliflower and brussel sprouts were starts. Next year, I'll grow all 3 from seed assuming I get my act together in March to do it! The bed looks a little parched; well, several days of 95+ temps will do that! I'll get in there and hoe later.

This bed is peppers and tomatoes. Self explanitory, yes? The peppers are my nemesis. I've NEVER been able to grow peppers successfully. We'll see how these do this year. Oh, there's a volunteer cilantro plant that I stuck in there, too.

This bed has 2 kinds of cabbage, 2 cherry tomato plants, parsley, rosemary and it will get either bush cukes or bush beans.  I bought the rosemary & parsley plants last week with my friend J. The nurseries by her house are far cheaper than ones locally. I'm excited about the rosemary as I've always wanted to grow it. Not sure if I'll bring it in to overwinter, or see if it'll survive on the south side of the house outside.

This was supposed to be an awesome bed of asparagus. It all died, so I planted sunflowers in there instead. Brett & Bryce helped me plant them over Memorial weekend & they're doing quite well.

Oh, and as for the strawberries? They were teeming with little green fruits and we were so excited! The birds found them. Darn birds! Looks like if I get some net out there we might pick a few handfuls. Oops. Lesson learned! Cover the strawberries when they are finished blooming!


  1. We're finally getting our seeds in today! I don't feel so bad since many of the farmers are doing the same. You're so inspiring. I'm glad you're posting the gardening info to give me ideas and keep me in check on getting this going!!

  2. YAY for getting your seeds in!!! I have it a little easier than you though, because my garden is already established & you had to rip up sod and such.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)