Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lettuce Planters!

Brad the rock star carpenter built me two new planting boxes for the deck. My previous ones, gifted from my neighbor, lasted a good 10 years, but they just bit the dirt this Spring. Literally. They're rotten. Sooo, what's a girl to do but have her hubby make 2 new ones. These are super nice and will last another 10 years, I'm guessing.

Brad whipped these together in under an hour. They are about 4' long, 6" wide and will be the perfect spot to grow lettuce away from pesky rabbits. (AKA "#^&%$^!!!!!")

Here's my original planters. They completely rotted out over the winter. Not savlageable!

The bottom rotted off, the interior rotted, the wood split. They are DONE!
New planters in progress. Note the corded drill--Brad can't locate the charger for the cordless drill. I'm thinking BRYCE moved it...

Done!  Lettuce planted & starting to peep through.

The other planter of lettuce.

Nice work, Bradley!!

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