Friday, June 3, 2011

Garden Map!

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Photo taken from the 2nd floor of our house.This is pretty self-explanatory. The cukes and green beans are going to be grown up the privacy fence. The empty bed will probably get a few more cauliflower or broccoli plants  or maybe kale for a later-season harvest. The strawberries are LOADED with fruit, so this should be our best harvest yet! 

The beds are all 4'x8', with the exception of the watermelon and empty beds, which are 3'x8'. The open area by the watermelon bed will probably  just have large pots in it at some point-I'm not sure yet.

We're growing lettuce on the deck and peas and onions behind the pool. I"ll put in a pumpkin plant or 2 to ramble behind the shed, out of sight. We grew pumpkins a few years ago and harvest & carved 4 just in time for Halloween and it'd be nice to do that again.

I apologize for this ginormous photo creeping into the side margin. I spent 15 minutes on Picnik adding all those fun labels, only to discover that if I make the photo small enough to fit in the margin, you can't read the words!!!! agh. So, big it is.


  1. I have never had Kale before... what exactly do you do with it? I guess I am kind of out of it with vegetables... but that is one I have never experienced!

  2. One fun (& yummy) thing to do with kale is to make kale chips! wash it, rip it into "chip" sized portions, sprinkle with a little salt and bake it in the oven for about 15-30 mins.
    If you add a teeny bit of brown sugar midway through, they have a BBQ-ish flavor. You can also sautee it like spinach, or use very young leaves in a salad. After a good frost, kale is very sweet. =)


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)