Thursday, March 31, 2011

Decrapifying Decor!

Alright, alright. So I haven't decrapified anything, technically.

But I did get CRAFTY. And I didn't pay anyone to do it for me. And what I crafted looks better than it did before, so it's kinda decrapified, right?

(quit mocking, BFFs. You know who you are!)

I have discovered spray paint. I realize that spray paint was not invented recently and I also realize that spray painting something isn't exactly a "craft." It's not hard to buy a can of spray paint and paint something. However, have you looked at the spray paint aisle lately? The choices are endless!  For a non-crafty person like myself, just picking a color is a feat.

I like the look of a color called "oil rubbed bronze." While we have no actual oil rubbed bronze here in the house as we're not sculpture enthusiasts, we do have 2 light fixtures and a large clock that have an oil rubbed bronze finish on them. I really like that color! Both major brands of spray paint, Krylon and Rustoleum, make an oil rubbed bronze color. And it's cheap, like $8 for a can. I also bought a can of "espresso" and a can of "satin black" for other projects (those were under $4 each!)

We have 4 lamps that have a nickel finish. Nickel is so 2007!  As I am clearly a trend-setter, the nickel MUST GO!

Here's a before shot of one of the lamps:

Here's one of the smaller lamps. I taped off the cord and the switch and lightly sanded it to scuff the finish. ooo--see the vent covers there behind the lamp? Yeah. I spray painted those black. They were white and just looked yucky. Yep-yucky. 

The AFTER!  I think it looks nice and it shows off how scratched up (green wall) and graffitied (tan wall) my living room is. (scratches and graffiti courtesy of Bryce).  Also note my cute (if you're 3!)  Easter decor!

I have a few other spray paint projects planned including a large metal bushel basket, a few more lamps and then we'll move on to our ceiling fans!  Somebody stop me!

I linked this post to Thrifty Decor Chick!!!

1 comment:

  1. So THAT's what you were doing while we were on the phone and all I hear is "QUICK BRENDAN, GET MORE SPRAY PAINT" I'm glad to hear it was for the lamps and that you weren't painting the other boys. ~Lisa G


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)