Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Newton the Babysitter.

This photo pretty much sums up what we love about Newfoundland Dogs around here. They are so dedicated to their families, especially the children under their care. Newton is about 4.5 months old in this photo and about 55 pounds (1/3 of his adult size). He sat at the fence, patiently watching Bryce play with the neighbors next door. He sat like this, without moving, for almost 45 minutes. Never laid down. Never changed position, other than turning his head side to side as Bryce & the other children ran and played. Heck, he didn't even move when I came out to snap this photo! 

I know that lots of dogs and dog breeds are dedicated to their families, but there is something special about a PUPPY whose instincts have already kicked in and enabled him to do what he's supposed to do. Newton is one super dog.

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