Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quotable Kids.

Actually, this is Quotable Parents.

scene: the kitchen, around 7 AM.

Me: You know, I'm thinking I could plant some carrots and spinach outside in the next week or two and just see how they do.

Brad: Yeah?

Me:  I need a window, though. I guess I can't do this until I can get an old window off Freecycle or something.

Brad: How big?

Me: What, the window? Big enough to just lay on one of the beds and warm up some soil.

Brad goes downstairs. I hear him rummaging around. I think he's crazy. (wait, I know he's crazy).

Brad: (hollering from downstairs) How many do you want?

Me: What? How many windows do I want? (insert incredulous tone)

Brad: Hang on.

He comes upstairs with 4 huge windows, remnants from our remodel 12 years ago.

Brad: I saved these because I knew in 10 years you'd want to make a cold frame.

Me: Seriously?

Brad: No. I just forgot I had them down there.

Me: (facepalm!)

The moral of the story is: Ask Brad. He probably has it in the basement!


  1. Anymore, I don't get rid of ANYTHING--because without fail, I'll need that very item in a few years.
    Glad your hubby had what you needed. I'm getting tempted to drag out the coldframes myself. This winter has been non-existent...........

    1. Sue--couldn't agree more about "winter". It's been so mild here in our lovely state! I love that hubby had what I needed & I didn't even have to post on freecycle to get it!

  2. That is awesome! Jason is sweating the cold frame plants. It's supposed to get down into the teens soon here. We'll see how they do. Gotta go uncover it now. Suns out!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)