Monday, February 27, 2012


Brendan & his team of schoolmates placed 3rd overall in the Regional MathCounts competition. MathCounts is a national math competition for 6-8th graders. The kids practice all school year for this contest and are given challenging math problems to do solo and in a team. It's a long day, but the kids are so proud of themselves when they're done!

This was an especially exciting year for Brendan as he scored high enough as an individual to qualify for State level MathCounts. (whoo hoo!!!!) I can't even begin to describe how much my stomach was rolling and turning while we all waited to hear them call the State finalists. All 4 of them. 4 slots! I really really really wanted Brendan to go--and when they called his name he actually jumped out of his seat and gave a little fist pump. Truly I was one proud Mama at that moment. His 6th grade math teacher was there to witness it, too-so I didn't imagine Brendan's excitement.

Much like an athlete, training & preparation is what the State level MathCounts is all about. Brendan & another friend both qualified, so the two of them will be working together on problems from previous years' competitions. MathRULES!

Here's Brendan & his team after receiving their 3rd place trophies. 

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