Friday, February 17, 2012

Garden Fever.

I get garden fever every year. Without fail. I think it hits most gardeners, especially during a long, hard winter. We've had the mildest weirdest winter ever here in Hockeytown. It's been warm (for here.) It's been NOT snowy. It's been-dare I say-almost pleasant. As I write, it is sunny and "warm" (around 40.) My kids have only donned snowpants 2 or 3 times this ENTIRE winter. (that's kinda sad, actually.)

The garden is telling me to, "get out here and plant something!" See, that's why it's called "garden fever." You start hearing inanimate objects talk to you, like the garden. lol. I decided it was time to take a stroll around my back 40 to see what was going on out there.

To my surprise, I had lovely garlic shoots coming up. They looked like they'd gone a few rounds and lost (i'm guessing that the winter's here/winter's not here weather pattern we've been having is the culprit.) Some are 6" tall, most are about 3". They may look terrible, but they'll be just fine.

I was surprised to see some action in my main vegetable garden. I found 2, count 'em, TWO spinach plants growing & green. I cleverly left them there last Fall to overwinter must've forgotten to rip 'em out last Fall, and they are happily growing.

Looks like I might need to WEED. I can't believe I need to weed in February. Don't those little spinach plants look yummolicious? (yes, I just made that up.)

I then decided to make a cold frame. It took about 30 seconds. Here it is:

I totally did that all by myself. Well, Brad dragged those old storm windows up from the basement. But I chucked 'em on that garden bed and propped them open with old water bottles I'm so brilliant! I took this photo about 3 hours after I'd put the windows on top of the spinach and found condensation already. Huh. Well, we'll see what this does for that spinach.

scratch off one goal for 2012 : plant cool season crops in a cold frame


  1. Sounds like you are definitely ready for Spring and getting the garden chores done.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. I've been staring at the barren garden beds all day. Sitting there in useful sunlight. Dragged out the heat/sun loving plants from under the grow lights. Bundled them up in Cloches and tossed them in the sun. I hope they appreciate all I do for them. :)

    1. Spinach will survive outside you say. Hmmm. I have an experiment to do!

    2. plants are needy little brats that certainly never appreciate all you do for them! lol. I'm assuming you'll drag them back in tonight?

      That spinach survived with total neglect from me. I'm pleased, of course, but wonder if we had a "real" winter what it would do. Next year, definitely cold framing some spinach! (on purpose, this time)

    3. Of course. Pulled them in around 4:30 or so before the sun went away and the temp inside the cloche plummets. You know, I would have cried if I killed my big tomato plants. :)

      Last night I was going through the DTE bills of past. There is a huge different in Gas usage from last years winter.

      This mache/corn salad lettuce is growing on me. I also like the thought of it supposedly being tolerant to single digits.

      That is my current experiment. Planted a 3 inch size rosette plant under a cloche directly into the garden bed. The top few inches are thawed from the rains. In the week or two it had been transplanted into a dixie cup it grew an impressive root system! Now lets see if it can truly harden itself to mild temps of 20-30.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)