Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cure Dry Scalp on a Child!!!

Does your child have a dry, flaky, itchy scalp? Want an easy, DIY, at home, NATURAL remedy for fixing a dry flaky scalp on your child? Or your husband? Or YOU?

You won't believe the's a's a comes in a can....


Yes, it's true! I'm not joking. Keep reading-----

Brett battles a very dry & flaky scalp in the wintertime. It's really bad--borders on looking like cradle cap!  But he's a very sensitive dude, so I really didn't want to just reach for the horrible dandruff shampoo. (trust me, there's lot of crying if dandruff shampoo gets in a child's eyes.)

A friend suggested using whipped cream. From a can. Seriously. Just buy some REAL whipped cream in a can, apply to the child's head, rub it in, leave it sit for about 10 minutes and then wash it out. Take a fine toothed comb and comb out those flakes (& stimulate the scalp a bit.)

Check out Brett in his whipped cream glory:

Ok, so the cherry is optional. Funny-but definitely optional. Brett was a good sport with this one. He doesn't like to eat whipped cream, but he went along with it and I think he enjoys the extra attention. He now asks me to make shapes or patterns on his head. Dude, I'm not Picasso!

It took 3 applications over the course of about 1 week (he only showers every other day) to notice a HUGE change. His scalp is no longer dry and flaky. His very coarse hair is also soft and silky. The bonus? MY HANDS. My hands are so soft and not beat up looking from rubbing in his whipped cream that I actually use whipped cream 1x/day on my hands in lieu of lotion. No joke.

Why does it work? Look, I'm no scientist. I don't even play one on TV. But I'm guessing there's some sort of moisturizing going on with the fats and maybe some sort of exfoliating going on as well.

Try it & report back. It really works!!!


  1. My 5 year old has what looks like craddle cap still -no matter what we do it won't go away..I'm trying this!

    1. Give it a go, shawn! The fun thing is that kids can rub it into their heads if they like and even sneak a taste & it's safe! =)

  2. That is wild, but it makes sense that it would work. MP grew out of her flakes. It was pretty bad for a while. Love the cherry on top

  3. Do you make sure its cold? Is it the pressurized can version? Perhaps the cooling effects play a part.

    Neem shampoo is also a good one.

    1. Yep--I use the Meijer brand of Reddi-Whip, full fat, in the can, straight outta the fridge. I'm guessing the fat of the cream is the moisturizing factor, but I'm also thinking that cream must be slightly acidic, even though we reach for it to settle an acidic stomach. Just a guess.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)