Sunday, February 12, 2012

Applesauce shortage?

I canned 113 quarts of applesauce last fall. 113 quarts! That's a lot of applesauce. Wanna guess how much is left?

(cue drumroll)

50 quarts. Yep. 50 quarts. My children have eaten 63 quarts of applesauce since October. Are you kidding me? They are going through 2-3 quarts per week. I can't believe that in order to have enough applesauce for these bottomless pits, I'm going to have to can a minimum of 150 quarts. Seriously?

20 qts batch, put up in October

I should add that my 14 year old consumes 10 pounds of fresh apples per week. TEN POUNDS. per week. No joke. Lucky for our budget, we can purchase 10lb bags of Michigan apples for just a few bucks. Since I've eliminated the traditional after-school snack foods, it pretty much just leaves cheese, fruit, veg or fresh bread. Oh yeah, and applesauce. (so it's my own fault that they're eating it, right? ha ha)

Of course, I will not mention the fact that I put up 32 quarts of peaches. For myself. And I will not share how many are left--but do know that I gave a couple of quarts to Brad's aunt, so it's not just me that's inhaling quickly consuming savoring my canned peaches.


  1. I always wonder how those pioneer women did it that had 10 kids. I could never keep up with a teenage boy. I think our personal wealth went way up when he moved out on his own to a different state. The grocery store cried, though........

    1. Me too! I just don't know how on earth they put up enough to feed those large, hungry families. My educated guess is that they simply never had "plenty" food, but they had "just enough."

      I'm chuckling that your grocery store missed your teen boy....ours will too!!! =)


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