Monday, November 21, 2011

Quotable Kids.

We've I've caved. We are now the owners of a ginormous plasma television. It's 500 inches wide and replaces our 32" tube television that is 8 (maybe 9?) years old. We did some research online, figured out what was a good price and bought this one. Currently, the TV resides in it's box in our kitchen, as we need a few things to install it properly.

Needless to say, my TV & DVR junkie children are VERY excited. They ran around the house like crazy monkey children when Brad brought it in. But it was Bryce who had the funny comment of the night.

"This TV is for my room. So I can watch my Thomas in bed." He said.

Really? The 3 year old wants a ginormous 500 inch TV in his room to watch Thomas the Train?

Of course he does. He's a child of the 21st century.  =)  Oh-and no, the TV is not going in his room.


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)