Thursday, October 6, 2011


***Warning! I pretty much broke my arm patting myself on the back with this one. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm pretty darn proud of myself!***

I set a pie in the sky kind of goal for my garden this year....200lbs of produce. Well, I'm pleased to say that

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!

As of today, Thursday October 6, 2011, I have grown 201 pounds of food!!! I could even hit 250 pounds--maybe--as I have still have broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes and various peppers still growing. WOOT!!

I keep track of produce harvested in my side bar, but here's what it looks like today:

201 pounds 1 ounce
(remember, I have 320 square feet of growing space)
Chives 2oz
Dill 6.5oz
Parsley 1lb 3oz
Rosemary 2.4oz
Broccoli 3.5oz
Cabbage 7lbs 1oz
Cauliflower 2 lb 11oz
Cherry Tomatoes 6lbs 6oz
Cucumbers (pickling) 4lbs 3oz
Cucumber (slicing) 8lbs 3oz
Lettuce 13.2oz
Onions 3 lb 14 oz
Peppers (bell) 7lbs 4oz
Peppers (Anaheim) 3lbs 14oz
Peppers (Jalepeno) 1 lb
Peas 4.5oz
Tomatoes 20lbs 11oz
Cantaloupe 43lbs 11oz
Strawberries .5oz FAIL (darn birds!)
Watermelon 86lbs 15 oz
Brussel Sprouts
Green Beans

Pretty darn cool, huh? Who knew you could grow so much in such little space?!! I am really pleased with how well things grew this year. I grew mostly heirlooms, I grew many plants from seed myself, and the garden was watered by rain water either from the sky or my rain barrels probably 95% of the time. I'm pleased to say that my family ate the bulk of what I grew-it has really impacted our grocery bill and our lifestyle.

I wonder what my goal should be for next year? 300lbs? 400lbs??


  1. And organic Heirloom tomatoes cost what in the grocery store/farmers' market? Upwards of $5 a pound - at least out here. Way to go, you should be proud of yourself!

  2. Congrats! You really harvested a lot of cantaloupe. Cantaloupe was a big part of our harvest this year too.

    I also see that your an avid canner/preserver. You may like to keep an eye on Robin at "The Gardener of Eden" and share what you're canning/recipes/cooking on "Preserving Thursday" with the rest of us gardeners.
    Thanks for following our blog. We're excited to read youe's too!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)