Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update September 4

I'm a little late with my weekly harvest tally due to a nasty storm that blew through over Labor Day weekend and completely knocked out our broadband (ie-no phone, no tv, no internet). We managed to keep ourselves busy even without 1st world technology.

Harvesting is slowing down as Michigan has decided to enter Fall already. Sigh. Seems a bit early this year!

Here's what I remembered to take photos of last week:

lots of tomatoes, peppers and green onions (Bryce loves to pick those!). Notable entry this week is the very first broccoli harvest!!! Super late at Aug 29, but those darn herds of viscous rabbits made an earlier crop impossible.

The 2nd to last cantaloupe, another nice cabbage (they are weighing in at about 2lbs) and more 'maters. 

The very final cantaloupe. Overall, I think cantaloupe was a winner. My 8 plants produced 9 cantaloupes and were it not for the surprisingly early cool Fall, I think the last 4 on the vines might've ripened. Oh, and more green onions


Sugar Baby watermelon weighing in at 11lbs even (and very yummy!) and another nearly 2lb cabbage. Oh-and assistant Bryce's hands, too. 

Not a bad week, overall. My cukes are pretty much done for-they have finally lost their battle with disease and need to be pulled out. The cantaloupe vines will be pulled out and I might plant more carrots in that bed. The time has come for my cruciferous veggies to do their thing--any day we'll be up to our ears in broccoli, cauliflower and in late October--brussel sprouts!!!!

I've harvested 127 pounds of produce from the garden so far. With 6 watermelons waiting to be harvested, I will easily hit 180 pounds this summer. Yay!

linking to:
Daphne's Dandelions
An Oregon Cottage

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