Thursday, September 15, 2011

Garden Harvest & Update September 11

Sooo, this week's update is late. It's been a busy CANNING week here at our house. And it's been a "get used to the school schedule" week, too. And it's been cool and rainy, so the garden isn't very productive.

I prolly have a million more excuses. You don't wanna hear 'em, so here's my harvests for the week.

Here's the garden overall. Lookin' a little yellow, isn't it? It's been super rainy and very cool. Cantaloupe is done, watermelon is done (but I need to harvest what remains), cukes are done and all of these plants need to be pulled. The cool weather has been great for my cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli--I should be harvesting cauliflower very soon. click here to see what it looked like on July 4.

I only managed to take two photos of my harvests last week. I did harvest more, but it was done between rain showers and I just didn't feel like taking pictures in the rain. 

Total harvest as of September 11, 2011 is around 170 pounds. Not too shabby for 320 square feet!

What did I can this week? Take a look:
This is HALF of the 65 pints of salsa we canned. 65 pints in 2 days...yikes. Seriously, that is a lot of salsa. And my teenager has already consumed 2 pints. I'm going to have to hide it so he won't eat it all. (click here for salsa's super-awesome!)

This is 27 quarts of dill pickles we canned. Brad and I were up VERY late one night, just trying to get them finished. We resorted to making slices just to use up more cukes faster. This is 1 and 1/9 bushels of pickling cucumbers and honestly, if these 27 plus the 19 previous quarts aren't enough, well, the kids will just have to go pickle-less. lol. 

this post linked to:
Daphne's Dandelions


  1. that is an amazing harvest! I'll be working on getting my tomatoes canned today! Nice job!

  2. :sigh: I'm so behind. I'm lacto-fermenting so I have A LOT less work, but I still can't get in the groove. Thanks for reminding some of us to get off our keisters!

  3. Oh, wow! As a child, I helped-- well, mostly watched-- mom and grandma can enough fruit, veggies and meat to get three families through winter. Fond memories. Of course, I wasn't doing the hard work.

  4. Wow! You are the canning queen! I am so impressed with your efforts. Your family is very lucky and how great to enjoy the fruits of your hard work when the snow flies!


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