Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quotable Kids.

Brendan has been mowing our lawn recently. I know, I know, he's 13, he SHOULD be mowing the lawn. (click here to read about the first time he mowed...he had a funny comment about that, too.) But our lawnmower is terrible to start and the front wheels point in so it's terrible to push. Trust me, it's really a bad mower. But he needed to mow it yesterday before the rain came, so I started it for him.

Then the handle broke on one side.

Then he ran out of gas. (he gassed it up)

Then the pull-start rope broke.

Then we put the mower away.

Brendan was later complaining about how awful the mower is and why don't we just get a new one. I told him that it still cuts the lawn and as long as it does that, we don't need a new one.

Brendan replied, "Mom, a nail clipper would cut the lawn, it doesn't mean I want to use one."

True. I offered up that he COULD use a nail clipper if he wanted...or he could stick to our ramshackle mower. =)

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