Monday, July 11, 2011

July 10th Garden Update.

We have now gone 2 weeks with zero rain. Pfffft. Mother Nature sent storms all around us, but not a drop hit our little "homestead". I've had to resort to watering with the hose for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!! I can't believe the impact those rain barrels have made. I feel like I'm spraying dollar bills when I water with the hose. The good news is that we got 'em filled up again today, so I'll be able to water for FREE for the next week or so.

Here's what's growing in my little garden:
My first onion harvest. Yes, they're tiny. No, they were not quite ready to pick. If you know me, you know I can't stand waiting!!! I wanted to, ah, check on how they were doing. Yeah. That's the ticket. I wanted to check on them. Soooo, I picked three. And boy, were they yummy!!!
I finally found an itty bitty canteloupe to go with  my itty bitty watermelons!!!  Isn't it adorable?!

Mmmmm-peppers!!!! I've never successfully grown peppers of any variety. Ever. I can't really explain why I've never been able to grow them previously, but my 15 plants are growing quite well. Brendan's already eaten a few of these serranos.

Look! An itty bitty bell pepper!  Too bad it met it's demise minutes after this photo. Darn kids!

A teeny weeny watermelon.

An another teeny weeny watermelon. I need new words to describe cute fruit. Preferably ones that don't rhyme.

And a third! Did you really think I was going to only show 2 of these cuties? I have 10 (I think) little watermelons currently growing on 10 plants total. I don't think all 10 are producing. We will REALLY be enjoying some watermelon in August!!!

And finally, we have some very slow progress on my vining cukes and one lone pole bean plant (very far left along the fence). I used to grow morning glories along this fence, which runs the length of the rear of our yard. My neighbor liked them and I liked them, but I realized that I wasn't utilitzing the space very well. I decided to grow FOOD on the fence. Besides, morning glories are crazy with the self-sowing and they were always in the veggie beds. The neighbor behind us moved his garden to the other side of his property-he claims for better sun, but I think he was politely avoiding telling me that the morning glories were driving him crazy. Sorry, neighbor J.

Anyhow, here's what that back fence looked like in years past:

Beautiful, yes. Fruitful? Not really. So this year I've declared war on those gloriously invasive morning glories. I have probably plucked several thousand from these beds. No joke. They're crazy with the seeding.

Bye bye morning glory invasion. Hello, cucumbers!


This post also linked to Amy's Finer Things.

This post also linked to The Inadvertent Farmer.


  1. Your garden's looking great, and well done with the peppers!

  2. Thanks so much! I can't wait to eat 'em =)

  3. oh dear. so your telling me that our 67 morning glory plants will all be having children and grandchildren for the next 20 years?? uh oh. ;)

    hooray for all the itty bitties and teeny tinies! we have a few of our own that we're impatiently watching...hard to wait for those little guys to grow up!

  4. Kirsten, I didn't even mention in that post that I planted exactly 3 Heavenly Blue morning glories about 11 years ago...3 plants turned into 40' of morning glories on the back fence, another 20' on the front fence and all.over.the.yard! (and my neighbor's, too!). Watch out--they will spread if happy =)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. i am so jealous of your teeny weeny watermelons!! we're pining for rain here, also, and i feel the same way about using water from the tap instead of the rain barrel $$$

  6. I'm just waitin' for those teeny weeny watermelons to turn into GINORMOUS watermelons! =) Hope some rain comes your way, Mama Bean!

  7. I've picked onions like that too! Sometimes you just can't help it. :) And the baby melons are adorable.

  8. Jess, glad to hear I'm not alone in picking onions early. & thanks for the watermelon love. It's amazing that those miniscule melons will be 10-20lbs shortly!


Suggestion? Question? Ideas? I read every.single.comment!! (after I'm done removing Legos from floor vents, of course!)